Tag Archives: Wedding limo rental

The Evolution of Wedding Limo Rentals

The Ever Changing City

The Evolution of Wedding Cars: From Wagons to Limo Rentals

In New York City, change has become customary among most New Yorkers. They change their wardrobe, their hairstyle and color and even change their friends in a blink of an eye. People in NYC are so much into change that they have been able to leap forward from one generation to another in a single night. If so much is true, you may begin to wonder, “if change has became a customary in the city that never sleeps, can we also expect some changes in the matter of matrimony and weddings, and what changes can be done there for wed couples should definitely look for? Or would tradition kick out the undying change that most people are calling and reaching out?

Years and years ago, even back when everything was black and white, weddings were made and were practiced by all, if not but most, religion to symbolize the unity of a man and a woman.  This practice has turned into an undying tradition that even reached up until the current time. As we travel back across time, we could ever notice that lots of changes were noticeable from the very beginning: from long sleeved wedding gowns to more sophisticated ones, from doing it only on sacred places like churches to doing the wedding to gardens and beaches, and of course from horse carried wagons to the 70’s chevy’s up until the 21ft century’s wedding limousines.

Changes were quite noticeable since then, but most importantly the mode of transportation of the newlyweds and how they can acquire it has been one of the changes that was quite obvious. Before, rentals of limo[that as I know of] and chevy’s were quite unusual but since the advent of the 20th and 21ft century, wedding limo’s were quite handed out by your nearest NYC limo rental services that basically cuts of the price to let you save some stash for your honeymoon . Well, unlike your carriages and wagons before, limo’s are quite much comfortable to wait up until you walk the red carpeted aisle before saying “I do’s”.

As of course, technology has quite somehow created the blueprints on how these cars and mode of transportation for the bride and groom should be made. Before, just pulled by a horse or any 4-legged animal, nowadays, diesel and turbo engines has created a more easier way for the newly wedded couples to cut across the ever busy streets of New York.

Also now, since New York has really updated its transportation for weddings, you can always and easily find the nearest wedding limo rental service in New York City. This made everything a lot easier for most couple, as everything will be prepared out for them. Imagine, the perfect wedding without exerting too much effort to look dragging on the wedding day and not even spending to much as there are tons of cheap limo rental service in NYC. If you think that NYC is on its peak when it comes to wedding, well, just imagine, how change can affect the wedding tradition and even the mode of transportation for the couples in the next few years.

Find Your Carriage For Your Wedding in New York City

The Big Wedding in New York City

The Carriages of the 20th Century: Wedding Limos NYC

Year after year, twenty to thirty something women journey to New York in search for their two great M’s in life: pairs of Manolo Blahnik and the perfect Marriage. If women have the right to shoes and had the knack to store enough pairs to last until the apocalypse, every girl moves on to find their second “M” in life, and trust me when I say, that the reeking progesterone in the city would want to see their wedding as big as possible. And you may start wondering, “if the gazillions of women are eyeing to have their wedding as big as possible, how can it be possible for you to pull out a big wedding in the big apple that is worthy to be printed on your every Sunday Lifestyle section?”

Even before the Renaissance period in Europe, the grandest weddings and women on their wedding gowns are often carried out by the chicest and the most posh carriage that can steal the gazes of the public in a mere single second. And since carriages carried out by a white stallions are quite a cliche and might knock your wedding into History Channel, a big girl knows that the grandest limo’s can bring out the wedding spirit even for those individuals who doesn’t believe in marriage.

As the classical and typical Disney-like carriages are now facing the brink of extinction, limo-carried women in their most fabulous wedding gowns has been the newest trend among weddings in the big apple. With all customizations of the carriages of the 20th century [NYC Limos], you can always try to pick out the best and most suited carriage for your wedding. From the tackiest weddings to bigger and modernized matrimonies, various colors and styles of different cars can easily catch your [and the public, of course] attention.

Not that it can only catch everybody’s attention, but the right style of wedding limos in NYC can bring out the wedding feeling a bride could ever hope for. Being carried by a fully air conditioned and with a comfortable setup, brides can always wait and count the remaining minutes as a single on the most comfortable situation she could ever imagine. Furthermore, as the bride should wait inside her limo passing by the busy streets and crowds of New York, you can never help but adore the spotlights turning to your presence, just like a red carpet is being laid on your every path on an Oscar’s night.

As what they say, “if you can make it here [New York], you can make it anywhere”. The line holds conviction, even with weddings as well. If you have the grandest weddings, and of course, being carried by the classiest and most beautifully adorned NYC limo instead of a “crash-Bandicoot-wagon”, it would always mean that your special occasion could even land on the same page as to where Vera Wang and Oscar De La Renta’s page of the lifestyle section could be found, and would even be labeled as “the big wedding in New York City”.